Though the luster has seemingly fallen off Aaron Rodgers this season, after struggling though the first 11 weeks, the Packers QB has statistically been the best quarterback since.
That includes Tom Brady.
Brady, arguably the best at his position of all time, is widely considered a better career QB than Rodgers, but one statistic shows just how efficient Rodgers is (in a system that vastly most prone to interceptions and drops than Brady runs in New England).
Rodgers could throw an interception in his next 72 passes, and still have a higher career passer rating than Tom Brady. This statistic includes playoff stats too, where Brady has of course excelled with four Super Bowl titles.
A quarterback’s ‘passer rating’ is calculated using a player’s passing attempts, completions, yards, touchdowns, and interceptions. Since 1973, passer rating has been the official formula used by the NFL to determine its passing leader. Passer rating in the NFL is on a scale from 0 to 158.3.
Here is a breakdown of the two in comparison:
(Reddit user firebirds82199)