As if 2020 wasn’t wild enough.
Many high school football leagues are kicking off this weekend across the country despite the nation still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. One particular Texas High School is generating the most buzz after it was revealed that their team name made the NFL’s “Redskins” seem politically correct.
Everyone meet The “Robstown Cotton Pickers”:
The team name was revealed after Chris Thomasson, a reporter for Kiii Sports in South Texas tweeted out a video celebrating the start of the High School football season.
Once his tweet went viral, Twitter had a field day wondering why the school still uses this mascot and team name in 2020:
The name has been a topic of discussion in South Texas for a while and despite the fact that many schools in the area have abolished mascots that resemble confederate/racist figures, Robstown has refused to change their controversial name.
In a 2017 statement, the school’s administration said the following:
“Robstown ISD administration has not received commentary from parents due to neighboring school districts’ mascot controversy. To be a Robstown Cotton Picker exhibits a sense of pride. At this time Robstown ISD will stay focused on student needs as their priority.”
Maybe the national outrage will leader community leaders and school administrators rethink their decision.