ESPN’s Monday Night Football broadcast received an overhaul for the 2018 season that included completely new broadcasters Joe Tessitore on play-by-play, Jason Witten as the color analyst, and Booger McFarland as an awkward third wheel – and his role is not being well received.
Booger rides in an elevated chair that’s positioned at the line of scrimmage for each snap, giving him a perfect view of the action. He’s transported up and down the sideline following each by a cart equipped with two outreached arms, one for McFarland’s seat and the other for a camera operator.
Set to give fans a new perspective of the game, McFarland is literally giving fans in the stadium a new perspective, forcing patrons who paid hundreds of dollars for front row seats to watch the action in person to instead watch on a television screen attached to the back of the crane.
The inconvenience was once again during the Giants-Falcons Monday night game, with fans literally yelling at McFarland to get out of their way of the game.
— LPG – NYG (@LicensePlateGuy) October 23, 2018
The issue has been affecting fans all season during Monday night games.
That’s nice of ESPN to give fans who paid for seats a TV to watch while Booger gets a better view (from @jsell2110)
— Busted Coverage (@bustedcoverage) October 16, 2018
The blockage for fans at the stadium is the cherry on top to the in-and-out, ill-timed, random blurts of commentary annoying viewers at home.
Back to the drawing board, ESPN.