Youtube user named Mike Harris surprised his mother whom had been a Seahawks fan since before he was born with Super Bowl XLVIII tickets. Her reaction was priceless!
Harris described how his mother became a fan of the Seahawks in the YouTube video description:
“In 1976 my mom became a Seattle Seahawks fan. She was in love with Jim Zorn, in awe of Steve Largent, and in theKingdome whenever she could. After a 9-7 finish in the 1983 season, the Seahawks made their way to the NFC Championship by beating Miami in the Divisional round of their first playoff run (after knocking off Denver in the Wild Card round).
That night, mom wanted to go to Boeing Field to welcome back the Hawks, like I know a lot of people will be planning to do after this Sunday, but my dad wouldn’t let her go. She was pregnant with me, due in three months. She missed that opportunity, and the Hawks went on to lose to the hated Raiders that year. The next year in 1984 the Hawks went 12-4, so I came in on a good note I’ll say…
Flash forward to the late 80’s and I got to go to my first Seahawks game with mom, dad, and my older sister Michelle, against the Broncos of all people. That was my first football memory, to be replaced for a number of years by Ken Griffey Jr. and the Mariners, but football would always be there. I remember seeing my first live kickoff like it was yesterday, and remember Curt Warner, Brian Blades, and Cortez Kennedy vividly throughout my childhood.”