Fan Videos Lions Super-Fans’ Hilarious Reaction After Hail Mary Is Caught

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On Monday Night Football, The Browns and Ravens gave us one of the best, if not the best ending to a game this NFL season. Numerous fan-shot videos emerged showing Browns fans so pissed off they went as far to rip the jerseys right off themselves. Thursday night – same result, quite a different reaction.

You see, Browns fans are used to their team literally inventing ways to lose football games, while the Lions have been on somewhat of a winning streak after a dismal start to their season. Lions fans were actually shocked at what just occurred, while Browns fans, as much as they may not admit it, knew something was destine to happen that would screw them over.

This anonymous fan started rolling before the ball was launched from Aaron Rodgers, showing the hail mary from a fan’s perspective (which is cool enough in itself) but then the glorious part, turns to a group of Lions’ super-fans, who are struck with disbelief.


These fans may look familiar, as Earl and Matthew Spring released a rant video earlier this season, going off on the Lions after being kicked out of a home game for some form of disorderly conduct.

After last night’s loss, we’re not sure they’ll voluntarily want back into a Lions game…


(Video via Barstool Sports)