Seriously, What Else Does Johnny Manziel Have To Do To Get Cut Already. Sleep With The Owner’s Wife?

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Let’s be honest. What in the world else does Johnny Manziel have to do to get cut. The man has tried it all. Pics with rolled up dollar bills, him chugging a bottle face down on a blow up inflatable swan in a pool, slamming his had against the Microsoft tablet during the game, ()speaking of during a game, how about flicking off the fans), post videos of himself drunk off his ass, going to Vegas the day before the game and using a fake name and disguise to avoid getting recognized while gambling. THIS MAN HAS DONE IT ALL. What’s left? Project X in the Browns locker room? Sleep with Jimmy Haslem’s wife? Start wearing opposing teams gear into the facilities? Could you imagine Johnny Boy walking into the locker room with a bunch of Cowboys stuff on…

Who knows. But in all honesty, what does the man legally have to do to get released. Try doing any of the previously mentioned in a typical workplace and try sticking around. Oh, and there’s this. Why are the Browns keeping him around so long. It’s become apparent to them and everyone else that the Manizel experiment is over in Cleveland, and he’ll be out next year. The QB who played actually fairly decent for the amount of time we got himself on the field is just too much of a distraction for the organization that as bad as they are, can’t afford a buffoon running the helm.

But please, let the stars align and have Jerry welcome Johnny with open arms down in Dallas, Texas, because everyone would love to see that train wreck. But then again, he seems like the perfect fit:
Sources have said the Browns are actually close to cutting Manziel, but they’re attempting to locate the homeless man that drafted him so he could sign off on it.
