Robert Kraft Shows Off New Chain From Meek Mill During Super Bowl Parade

In addition to winning his sixth Lombradi Trophy as owner of the New England Patriots, Robert Kraft is sporting some more bling bling during the Patriots Super Bowl Parade on Tuesday.

Before the Patriots got on their duck boats, Kraft showed off a new diamond chain that he got from rapper Meek Mill following Sunday’s 13-3 win over the Los Angeles Rams.


“When we won he gave it to me as a present,” Kraft told WBZ-TV’s Levan Reid.

The necklace is called “Dreamchaser,” according to Kraft, and spells out “Championships” in diamonds.

Kraft has long showed support for Meek Mill, petitioning for his release from prison last year after he was incarcerated for violating his probation. Kraft visited Mill in prison in Pennsylvania before he was released in April.

The two have formed an interesting relationship since, and Mill is now giving Kraft some extra bling to go with yet another Super Bowl ring.

Over one million fans lined the streets of Boston for Tuesday’s Super Bowl parade.