Ticket Prices For Super Bowl LVI Continue To Drop By An Insane Amount

(Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images)

If you’re looking for any last second deals on Super Bowl LVI tickets, you may be in luck.

According to a ticket reselling company known as ‘TickPick’, the cost for buying Super Bowl LVI tickets have fallen about $1,000 in the last 48 hours which is a very significant drop.

Via MSN:

“Kyle Zorn, who works for the company, tweeted that the asking price for a seat in Section 506 has fallen from $5,400 to $4,462 and added that there is still inventory, which could lead to lower prices.

As of Thursday morning, StubHub’s cheapest ticket for sale dropped to $3,300 in Section 532.”

Super Bowl tickets are obviously always going to be outrageously expensive but with the big game returning to Los Angeles for the first time since 1993 and the Rams playing in their home-stadium, in addition to the no attendance restrictions for the first time in two years, demand has skyrocketed.


With the Super Bowl 48 hours away, we’ll see if tickets continue to drop.