Toy Drive Fundraiser Organized By Damar Hamlin Surpasses Well Over $5 Million In Wake Of Injury

Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest during Monday Night Football’s Bills-Bengals game was perhaps the second darkest day in NFL history other than when Chuck Hughes passed away on the field in October 1971.

The 24-year-old Bills safety had to have his pulse and breathing restored on site before being transported to a local trauma center.

There was a lot of bad that happened that Monday night, but if there’s any silver lining at all, it has been the faith in humanity restored through the anonymous good of strangers coming together to do good.

No more than an hour after the incident, fans uncovered a GoFundMe fundraiser organized by Hamlin titled ‘The Chasing M’s Foundation Community Toy Drive’. Originally set with a goal of just $2,500, the total has now surpassed a whopping $5 million and counting with fans, fellow players and countless others from across the country pouring in donations for Hamlin’s cause.


The page of his fundraiser page can be found HERE.