Steve Smith Calls Out Josh Brown After Domestic Abuse Confession: “If Your Ex-Wife Was My Daughter Yo ASS Would Be On IR”


Ravens WR Steve Smith Sr. is likely the most outspoken WR in the NFL. Steve Smith also takes appreciation in treating women and family right. Have someone who shares a field with him go against that, and you can assure their will be some form of un-apologetic trash talk, and rightfully so.

On Wednesday, NY Giants Kicker Josh Brown confirmed accusations made against him months ago that he had beaten his wife (including while she was pregnant) dozens of times over the course of a year. In disturbing accounts, Brown noted he physically, mentally and physiologically abused her numerous times treating her as a slave and manipulating her with money.

Brown somehow avoided jail time and in regard to punishment handed down by the NFL, was only suspended for a single game. The kicker was even resigned by the Giants who knew about to incidents at the time.


Steve Smith, who’s own mother is a survivor of domestic violence, took to Twitter Thrusday to share his digust with Brown fueled by his self-confirmation of  the abuse.

The 37-year-old veteran spoke out formerly when Brown was suspended for the one game earlier this year for the one game, saying, “So we waste our time with Al Jazeera allegations!! But a DV incident and we give him slap on the wrist and a 4 million extension,” Smith’s message reads in full.”

Smith also tweeted during the fallout of the incident involving Ray Rice, who infamously punched his fiancé in an elevator ride, all caught on video. The WR of course now plays on the team Ray Rice formerly did in the Ravens.

Smith also tweeted out his thoughts following the domestic violence incident involving former Panther/Cowboy greg Hardy.

The NFL has reportedly re-opened it’s investigation of Brown following Tuesday’s revelations.