Browns running back Isaiah Crowell came under heavy heat from fans and police alike after posting a despicable photo of a cop getting his throat slit amidst the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement and the police shootings last week.
Though Cronwell apologized and even called the Chief of the Cleveland Police to explain his wrong-doing, it wasn’t enough. Under pressure from Cleveland police, Cronwell is now putting his money were his mouth is.
Crowell told TMZ Sports he was donating his first game check of the season to the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation, which supports officers killed in duty like the five last week. Crowell’s unfortunate post came before the Dallas shootings, but after a pair of men were shot and killed by police in Louisiana and Minnesota.
“I would never wish violence on anyone, especially a police officer,” Crowell said. “I’m sorry to all the Browns fans, all the people who support my career and all the kids out there who look up to me. But most of all, all the good police officers who are out there protecting us every day. By posting that picture, I became part of the problem. And I don’t want to be part of the problem, I want to be part of the solution. . . .
“I know this may not change your mind about me, and I can’t take the post back. But I’m sorry, and moving forward, I’m committed to being part of the solution.”
Crowell’s scheduled to make $600,000 this year, which would put his donation at $35,294.