Peyton Manning has developed into the NFL’s golden boy, the good, old fashioned polite southern gentlemen who just happens to be one of the best who’s ever stepped onto a football field. Manning’s persona wasn’t always as mainstream and in the spotlight as it is now though. Many, especially Manning’s former remember a time when the quarterback was rather reserved and strayed away from media attention.
That seemed to changed after the infamous, “Cut That Meat Commercial.” Former Colt and longtime snapper to Peyton, center Jeff Saturday noted that after that commercial everything changed. The public, and other companies started to see Peyton as a figure that could be broadcasted across any form of media, especially commercials and kill any task, whether it be to sell insurance, credit cards, Gatorade or pizzas.
Manning’s charm with the hint of effortless humor captured the spotlight and provided us with some of the bets NFL endorsement driven commercials we’ve seen.
Here are the 10 funniest Manning’s ever starred in.
Below is a playlist which included all 88 commercials Peyton’s starred in during his entire 19-year career: