Doctor Gets Crushed For Terrible Take On John Madden, Calls Football ‘Plantation Cosplay’

A doctor on Twitter spoke on the death of John Madden by blasting the famous football video game series that bears the NFL icon’s name for building a “digital plantation.”

Madden passed away on Tuesday at the age of 85.

Dr. Andrew McGregor, a history professor at Dallas College, has been getting blasted for claiming the video game brand “further glamorized violence and dehumanized Black athletes” by helping “to establish plantation cosplay that has grown worse in the era of fantasy football.”

“I have lots of opinions on John Madden,” the tweet said. “The creation of the Madden video game was not a great development for the U.S. It further glamorized violence and dehumanized Black athletes, helping to establish plantation cosplay that has grown worse in the era of fantasy football.”


As expected, Dr. Andrew McGregor got roasted for this: