Many who watched the Buffalo Bills vs Denver Broncos game may say they felt a strong Denver bias regarding the officiating. Whether or not that was true, or just a sum of mistakes is up in the air, but what is strange is seeing two referees fist-bumping after a team scores a touchdown.
Not just the fans were compiling over the officiating, as Bills strong safety Aaron Williams actually tweeted out the vine of the referees post game that night, with the caption “No excuse for my performance but can’t win playing 16 vs 11 thought I seen it all Smh” (There are actually 7 referees technically speaking officiating a NFL game)
The league office had no problem with the gesture, which came after line judge John Hussey and umpire Carl Paganelli consulted to determine whether Anderson had crossed the goal line before his knee was down.
“It was an acknowledgement of good mechanics between the two officials involved in making the call,” NFL spokesman Michael Signora stated.
Williams wasn’t the only Bills player to complain about the officiating or the fist bump immediately after the game and on Monday. Cornerback Corey Graham took a more diplomatic approach by saying the officials’ celebration wasn’t a “good look,” but he understood what prompted it.
“I saw it. I don’t think it was nothing crazy as far as ‘Happy that they scored a touchdown,'” Graham said Monday. “It was more of probably just, ‘We got that one right.'”