Bills Fans Are Back And Even Drunker Than Last Season

Bills Mafia was the story of last season off the field.

The passionate Buffalo fanbase, who you frankly can’t blame for getting piss drunk before games, brings it every week with their mix of extreme table smashing and other intoxicated shenanigans.

This season’s off to a good start, with a Bills fans likely breaking his coccyx with a leap from the top of his car.

Someone carry him inside, I think he broke his ass. #BillsMafia

A video posted by NFL Trash Talkers (@nfltrashtalkers) on


We’re guessing these fans never made it in. Good thing he’ll be too drunk to remember watching his team lose.

#billsmafia putting Smokeshows through tables over on ?barstoolparties snap chat

A video posted by Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) on

Oh, and then there’s this