Live Stream Captures Mass Shooting At Jacksonville Madden Tournament

Two are dead and more than 10 more are injured after a mass shooting has struck a Madden NFL 19 tournament in Jacksonville, Florida Sunday morning.

The event was being held downtown at Jacksonville Landing at the GLHF Game Bar during the first of four qualifying events for the EA Sports Madden Classic Series.

As if just the news wasn’t disturbing enough, a live stream of one of the games during the event captures two competitors beginning a game when the shooting opens fire, with horrific screams following. It even appears as if the laser sight from the shooter crosses over the gamer on the right’s chest just before the stream is cut.


(Warning: Some may find video disturbing) 

The shooter, identified as 20-year-old gamer David Katz, was also included in those who were pronounced dead at the scene.

A few of the participating gamers took to Twitter to announce the news.

The incident marks the second football related shooting in Jacksonville in a week with 1 dead and two injured after a shooting occurred during a Raines High School football game.