Coach Lane Kiffin Spotted On The Prowl For Hot FAU Girls At Boca Club Last Night

People wonder why Lane Kiffin left a job as offensive coordinator at Alabama to become the head coach of the relatively unknown Florida Atlantic University, but last night shows exactly why.

The newly hired coach was spotted on the prowl for hot college chicks in downtown Boca Saturday night, with the freedom to do exactly what he wants without Nick Saban hovering over this shoulder.lanekiffin


back at it ?: THE @zayitbemmelx3

A photo posted by kiley platt (@kileycat) on

back at it ?: THE @zayitbemmelx3

A photo posted by kiley platt (@kileycat) on

its all fun and games until the chlorine turns your hair green

A photo posted by Ellie Hughes (@elliehugs) on


(h/t Bro Bible)